Tool Box

Constructing family health records may seem like a daunting task. Here is a comprehensive list of tools to help make the task easier.

bulletSoftware tools
bullet  How to Choose Health Records Software How computer software can help you keep more accurate, more comprehensive records on your own PC.
bulletOnline Medical Records  Patients and doctors may soon be sharing health information online. Should you worry about privacy?
bulletAdvice from Health Experts Excerpts from articles about why and how to keep health records.
bulletJournals Bound, hard copy journals to record a child's growth, a pet's vaccinations, diet and exercise logs, and more.
bulletBasic Health Journal Page  Print and copy this page for each family member. Fill in the basic health information and carry it with you.
bulletBooks Read more about how the Internet is changing health care, and how to research your family health history.

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Copyright © 2001 Cuffs Planning & Models, Ltd.
Last modified: March 06, 2001